Monday, 8 October 2012

Flemington Markets

Yesterday we headed out to Flemington markets, it's a produce market where fresh fruit and veggies are sold by the box full at low prices, buyers can come and by in bulk or you can just get a few things. There were pungent smell, vibrant colours, exotic faces where fever-piched voices jostle for attention. We wandered around filling our carry bags with new and interesting fruit and veg. Eating handfuls of freshly roasted peanuts as we made our way back to the car.


  1. Plenty of good food there!

  2. So big market full of vegetables and fruits !
    You can look around and you can't decide what you will buy !
    Have a nice week

  3. Such a big marked!
    We don't have them here in Norway.
    Still something I'm missing from the Netherlands!

    Juliƫtte xxx

  4. I always like visiting farmer's market. From the photographs of this market, I can guess that there are lot of Asian foods/vegetables on display. I love the fact that these leaves and veggies are so fresh and so green.
    Here, in our locality, there is a person who sells freshly roasted peanuts down the street. Sometimes, my husband buys them while coming back from office. I couldn't identify the last picture, green almonds perhaps ? But anyway, thanks for sharing these photographs with us.
    have a nice day !

  5. We have a farmers market once a month - but it's nothing near as good as yours!
    Rose H

  6. Very good, very healthy food, vegetables, fruit, that very important for health. See also mushrooms... where I live is time to collect them. x

  7. Wonderful photos.
    Much love to you xxx

  8. Oh my - I need a market in my life like that.

    Nina x

  9. Fabulous place to visit as your spring is under way. Lots of great veggies to choose from.
    It's been awhile since I've ate asparagus, sigh!
    And it will be quite a few months to go! :)
    Hugs Rosemary...xoxo

  10. Oh that all does look lovely. I bet it is an amazing place.

  11. This market looks huge, I love the variety of produce and the different colours and textures, much better than shopping in a supermarket.

  12. I love "farmers markets" - so picturesque! I esp. like your capture of all the eggs. Very nice!
    Happy week to you :)

  13. looks fabulous!! i would love to shop and buying in bulk works well for me!!
    good for you!

  14. Hi Greenthumb! Seeing all this lovely produce makes me almost want to cook!
    Penny x

  15. Wow, what a gorgeous farmers market. Of course I zoomed right onto the eggs. There was a sign that read $7.00. Does that mean for a dozen of eggs? I enjoyed my visit this morning.

    1. I think it was $7 a tray and 2 dozen on a tray.

  16. I just looove markets! And they're selling fresh almonds! Impressive! I love picking them and eating then out of the tree middle summer!

  17. Looks mouthwatering! Love those asparagus! Won't see any till next March... Enjoy your spring months! Christa


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