Sunday, 14 October 2012

Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb

 A guest post from Master M.

Last Christmas Nan brought us a harbour bridge climb. Dad and I left early on Saturday morning for the climb thank goodness the rain had stopped and the sun was shining . It was a great experience for dad and I we enjoyed every single moment of the climb. It was 1.5 KM and 1439 steps, you don't even have to be that fit. So if your in Sydney for a holiday or just in the city, go for a bridge climb it's a great climb and you have a great time.



  1. Wow! the view is breathtaking! It must have been an amazing experience.

  2. Oh my God, you are a brave family!!! x

  3. Wow... what an amazing view ( and what a lovely gift ). x

  4. Those views are breathtaking and my tummy is going crazy at the thought of that....I'm no good with heights!! x

  5. I would love to do the bridge climb, the views are so spectacular.

  6. Hmmm, the jury is out on that one for me, even the photos make me dizzy!

  7. The view is wonderful ! That's all! You are brave people !I am scare the high so much !!!!

  8. I didn't know that was possible. How fun!

  9. I just saw your husband posted this - mine would like to write something too, but not sure what. This is a great idea!

    1. My 11 year old son wrote this for me as it was just the 2 of them that did the climb.

  10. Must have been a great climb! And a stunning view!

    Juliëtte xxx

  11. Wow, what an adventure you had. Great photos too!

  12. Beautiful pics! You live in wonderful city....
    and thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and visiting :)

  13. Fascinating! When I was in Sidney we visited the tower several times and I do not think that it was possible to go up the bridge then. The view is absolutely breathtaking! Love it! Christa

  14. Quite the view! You and your dad must not be afraid of heights!

  15. Great photos. What a fabulous experience. I'd love to do it one day.

  16. Hi there - thanks again for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Having a wee peek at your lovely blog and looking forward to following. A Sydney Harbour Bridge walk is on my bucket list... one day! Looks like great fun and what beautiful views.
    Happy Tuesday,

  17. It all looks so exciting and interesting ! You are so brave and full of energy. Thank you Master M, for sharing this lovely post with us.


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