
Monday, 29 April 2013

Scavenger Hunt ( April )

These are my photos for this months Scavenger Hunt.  If you would like to join in, just leave a link on  the Scavenger Hunt page to your photos of the Scavenger Hunt on your  Blog and then everyone can see them.

Pink: A Pink Protea I saw, they grow really well in Australia.

6: Number 6 on the front of a beach house.

Your city/town: A glimpse of the Sydney opera house and bridge, iconic to Sydney.

Sport: Kite surfing on a windy day.

Night light: Taken out of the car window on a wet night on the way home from karate.

Something you collect: I was given a little wooden ring box and that started off my collection of small ring and jewellery boxes, my favourite is my grandmothers ring box with her initials on it.

Big:  The big buddha in Thailand.

Dinner: Pad thai, a meal I really enjoy. 

Texture: The surface of a scribbly gum tree, I just love the texture in these trees.

Curl: I had trouble finding this photo, then I though of my little dog with a curl in his tail. 

Take off: hot air balloons on Australia day.

Plastic: Sitting out on the deck playing a game of Rummikub with plastic pieces. 

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  1. How gorgeous is your box collection!!!!!

  2. The box collection is wonderful - as is the scribble tree.

    I'm trying to post my blog for this scavenger hunt and can't seem to find the link.

  3. Oh sorry - I found it - best to read directions first - ask questions second. :-)

  4. Your photos are worth a thousand words! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love your collection of ring and jewellery boxes...very pretty.

  6. I love proteas - my mum and dad grow them in their garden in South Africa. Juliex

  7. Great photo selection and nice ring box collection too x

  8. Beautiful photo's!
    I love your collection of ring and jewellery boxes!!

    Kisses, Juliëtte

  9. Great shots! A really interesting picture from the car window x

  10. Fantastic photos, I love the protea especially Julie x

  11. Wonderful shots, and so creative too! I really enjoyed all of them but the night light and the textured tree are my favorites. xo's

  12. Lovely round of photos! Scavenger hunt sounds like fun. I will consider joining!

  13. You are so on the ball with this one-its not even the last day!- I'm very jealous of your lovely photos. I really love the balloon shot and the night light one- but as usual they are all really good. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. The Pad thai looks delicious!!! Have a nice week ;D

  15. I love the gumtree bark and the balloons. I still don't have all my photos - I guess I'll be busy tomorrow.

  16. Great photos! And the Sydney Opera house is part of your town!! Something I have only ever seen on TV. Oh gosh need to sort my photos- struggleing a bit with it this month.

  17. Qué fotos más bonitas! la flor es preciosa muy exótica.
    Un saludo.

  18. Great photos, I love the night light.

  19. I am loving your collection of ring boxes! And that first photo of that flower is out of this world! Have a great week!!!

  20. Fab photo's. Lovely to see Sydney, I've such great memories of it.

  21. Ι love the balloons photo! I took a look at May's list! How hard is that???????????????
    I'll add my April list a.s.a.p.!

  22. This a great collection of photos, I especially like the balloons. Thanks for May's list, I've just seen it and realise I've taken three pictures that could work the may list for April, haha!

  23. I like the balloons too and the buddha xo

  24. I love the hot air balloons - they're one of my favourite things. And wow to the flower - we only get them in florists here. x

  25. Lovely photos! Thanks for hosting. What fun!
    P.S. Your dinner looks much better than mine!

  26. YUM... pad thai is my favourite too!

  27. Fabulous photos and I love the balloons! x

  28. I have often admired peoples photos of the Scavenger Hunt and may try to see if I can do it this month! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  29. Great photos. Pad thai is one of my favourite dishes too! Yummy. Love the photo of the bridge and the opera house too. I was lucky enough to visit Sydney in 2008. It is a wonderful city :-)


  30. I love your photos for Texture and Take off, especially this last one because of the bright colours.

  31. Beautiful photos, GT! That pink protea is lovely, and now I know its name. You have a very supportive son and dog ~ a great curl!


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