
Monday, 20 May 2013

Apple Picking Bilpin

There is something so exciting about picking fruit to take home with you. So with that in mind we headed up to Bilpin in the Blue Mountains near Kurrajong just over an hours drive from Sydney. The sun was shining we had a picnic basket in the car so our day was set.

There were Sundowner, Pink Lady and Granny Smiths to pick, It was tempting to fill our baskets with these sweet tasting apples, but as we are a family of 3 we resisted the temptation, still there is no room in the fruit crisper, veggie crisper or the bottom shelf of the fridge.

Master M thought there was nothing better than eating apples straight from the tree.

As the apples were being weighed up and I got talking to the owner of the Orchard we were given a bag full of cooking apples to take for free, now I will have to start looking to see what I can make with all these apples we have.

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  1. That is wonderful! It is exciting to pick fresh fruit. And tasty, too!

  2. Free apples??? That is so nice. Mmmmm a apple pie with a big slice of cheese melted on top, that 's what I am thinking about now. You know what they say here?:

    Apple Pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze. -)

  3. Ohhh apples - fresh pie - apple sauce - apple butter - oh how I adore apple butter. I have some Granny Smith apples - I think I'll bake a pie tomorrow.

    1. I have never made apple butter, I will look it up.

  4. Pink Ladies are my favorite! It's wonderful you were able to go apple picking and so interesting to me that our little apple tree just finished blooming while your part of the world is harvesting :-)

  5. I agree with Gracie, it's lovely seeing you picking apples when my tree is only now showing blossom! Apple cake for me! Julie x

  6. Mmmm apples- and nice sweet crunchy ones at that- they look delicious- apple crumble would be my choice I think:)

  7. I think there will be many apple pies this month ...Lol :D

  8. Apple crumble with cloves and cinnamon with hot custard! Delicious!

  9. Apple picking - one of my favourite Autumn past times.

    Nina x

  10. Visiting an orchard and picking apples is always a favourite thing for me to do in Autumn too.My favourite apple dish is always blackberry and apple pie.
    Sarah x

  11. I love apple picking! How nice that you got a whole bag of cooking apples for free. Do check out some of my apple recipes if you like...

    1. I was going to do that and your lovely looking apple pie.

  12. We don't have pick your own apples in our area, the local farms do strawberries,raspberries, gooseberries and other soft fruit. I once picked apples as a job, gosh it was hard work. Sounds like you had a great time,

  13. Planning to take my kids apple picking this weekend have i left it to late.


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