
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Drift Wood Mobile

One of my favourite things to do while at the beach is to look for shells, sea glass or driftwood. With the driftwood I had collected I thought I would make a mobile.

I pre-drilled all the holes.

Make sure you use a board, so you don't drill into your table.

 I used fishing line for mine as its strong and I want to hang it outside, and I thought string would rot.

I like the way it turned out, it doesn't have a space its just the way it got caught on the washing line as I tried to get a photo.

It reminds me of days at the beach. what do you think?

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  1. It's a great beachy reminder. I never find drftwood at the beach! x

  2. I love it - I have a bunch of driftwood that I've been wondering what to do - how did you get the knots to stay tied with the fishing line? (Can you tell I don't fish?)

    1. I just tied it off and loped it over, I just tied the first and last one off.

  3. A simple but beautiful idea :o)

  4. Indeed it reminds me of wonderful beachy days!
    Gracie :-)

  5. That looks fab! I bet the wood feels really smooth too Julie x

  6. Great idea, will look lovely twirling in the wind and reminding you of beach days. Juliex

  7. I love those driftwood hanging thingies. x

  8. Such a beautiful driftwood mobile!

    Kisses, Juliƫtte

  9. I love your mobile using driftwood. Making things from found items is a joy. Thanks for sharing.
    Anne xx

  10. Really beautiful - did it take you long to make? I would have fun collecting the wood with my kiddos over time :)

  11. I love that mobile! I collect driftwood when i get to the coast, Its about 40mins away for me, so I dont get there as often as id like! ( I am in UK)

    Leanne x

  12. Its fab!! I made one last year that is still hanging in my garden. I'm going away to the east coast tomorrow for a few days so I am on the look out for a few more pieces!!

  13. Brings the seaside home! Looks great :)

  14. It's really nice. I also like driftwood and have made a similar one.

  15. It's lovely- I love beach finds too, but have never been brave enough to make one- but I might now just be inspired- Not that I'll probabaly find any driftwood though!!

  16. That looks so good I will have to try it!
    Sarah x

  17. Walking the beach and picking up treasures is a favorite of mine too! I can safely say though that I have never made something as lovely as this with my finds! In fact I have seen these in seaside boutiques


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