
Monday, 27 May 2013

Mount Tomah Botanic Garden

Mount Tomah Botanic Garden is a spectacular cool-climate garden, located in the northern Blue Mountains. With footpaths, waterfalls and granite-lined trails, plants from all over the world and views of the Blue Mountains this ensure you have something to look at  around every bend.

So with picnic basket in hand we headed off to find somewhere to sit in the sunshine and enjoy our picnic, there hill to roll down and rock to climb.
I found so many different kinds of Proteas.

Lots of Autumn colour around everywhere but still so warm. 

These two are just so much alike.
 We had the best day out, there is nothing like spending time with the people you love.
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  1. Wow, amazing photos of an amazing place! I would get lost in there with camera in hand. It looks like it was a great day out.

  2. You are so right!!! That garden is beautiful!!! And I love the rolling in the grass! Gave me a smile!! Glad you had a fantastic day!!!

  3. Τοtally agree!I love the photos! So different vegetation than that in Greece.Exotic flowers!I too enjoy rolling down a hill!Feeling a bit dizzy , but who cares!

  4. Being with family members and enjoying the beauty around us is so wonderful! I'm glad you are having happy days together :-)
    Gracie xx

  5. Beautiful, what a lovely day. Juliex

  6. Certainly looks like a gorgeous day out! Love all the autumn blooms and colours.

  7. I love the beautiful autumn colours, something we don't get much of up here in tropical Qld.
    Bec x

  8. Oh, that first photo is wonderful and those exotic flowers, just beautiful, looks like you had a lovely day. Julie x

  9. Sounds like a lovely day and a great place to visit.

  10. Hi GT!
    I've enjoyed catching up on all your recent posts this morning. I'm enjoying my morning coffee and watching the water. We were just in Waimea Valley enjoying its magnificent botanical gardens yesterday! Your Blue Mountains are lovely! No driftwood on the North Shore because the nearest land is about 2,000 miles away! Your mobile was quite striking. It's funny to see you posting autumn colors while we're enjoying spring. Have a good one!

  11. A lovely park and wonderful photos. I enjoy learning about different parts of the world. I'd never seen that kind of flower before.

  12. Hi Greenthumb! I just found your blog and I love it. Your photos are beautiful. I'm following and looking forward to reading more. :)


  13. What a wonderful place and beautiful flowers!

  14. This is my kind of place, amazing views and beautiful and interesting plants and flowers.

  15. Oh how many beautiful flowers!!! Looks like a wonderful place. I'm glad you enjoyed with your family. :D

  16. Your picnic in the Blue Mountains looks wonderful and the plants so different to those we saw over the weekend on our garden walk!
    Sarah x

  17. I think that view is stunning- I want to go there... also the colours in the leaves & flowers are lovely :)
    Hermione's World


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