
Monday, 5 August 2013

Winter Garden

 Not much has been happening around here, did the food shop, washed the dogs, cleaned the house and it needs vacuumed again, (those dogs bring in all kinds of muck),  helped the Mister lay some pavers over the weekend, the ironing still needs to be done, but it can all wait for another day.

I had a walk around the garden to see what was flowering in winter, it has been a very mild winter this year, Sydney has had the warmest July since records started and today is 21c.    

So pretty to still have flowers in the garden.

If you have a minute could you pop over to my lovely girlfriends newBlog Memory Chain that she just started.
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  1. Oh the flowers are so lovely!!!!! A winter garden....such a wonderful phrase.....

  2. Golly!!! Your garden is a happy beautiful place!!! Such a sight!!!

  3. I love seeing your beautiful winter flowers! Thanks for posting!
    Gracie :)

  4. Your winter garden is lovely. Some very pretty flowers are braving the cold, probably slightly confused by the unseasonal warm weather. I hope it lasts into Spring!

  5. Wow, your winter garden looks as nice as my summer one! Nothing grows here in the winter!

  6. Gorgeous flowers and how lovely to have a winter that mild! x

  7. Your flowers are beautiful. It's so interesting to me to see what grows in winter in other parts of the world.

  8. Beautiful pics! Have a good week!!! :D

  9. Your gardens are always beautiful! I'm glad that your winter is mild so far. When is the coldest month for you? We are just now going into the hottest part of summer.

  10. So lovely to have flowers in winter. I'm loving the camelias in my garden at the moment.

  11. It must be nice to have flowers even in winter. With three dogs in have given up on ever having clean floors!

  12. Oh how lovely to have winter flowers! We have had a lovely warm few weeks here but even so 21C still sounds pleasant enough for summer here!! x

  13. You have some gorgeous flowers. It seems amazing when we rarely get many flowers during our winters.

  14. Lovely to see some signs of spring in your garden. If only our spring days reached that temperature too!
    Sarah x

  15. Very pretty flowers for winter Wish we had flowers like that here in winter.
    Gwen x


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