
Sunday, 1 December 2013

Scavenger Hunt (November)

These are my photos for this months Scavenger Hunt If you would like to join in, just leave a link on the Scavenger Hunt  page to your photos collection, on your  Blog. That way we can all see and enjoy them.
 I would like to thank all the people who have joined in on the Scavenger hunt over the past year, if you would like to join us will will be doing it all again next year. 

Gold: Love the look of these handbags I think the gold one would be nice for the Christmas session.

Bread: Some different bread at the local market.

Patterns: I love this pattern made by water running down a drain.

5: 5% off isn't to bad when they guarantee they have the lowest price.

Happiness: Master M's year 6 graduation so happy to be with his friends.

Rain:  through the car window waiting for school pick up.

Traffic: There was always traffic in Phuket 24 hour.

Boxes : Some little cookie boxes:

Staircase : Up the stairs as we get off the train.

Sunset : This was our view as we had dinner one evening. 

Park: Who can resist  water to play with at the park.

Pair : Pear I know not the same but I'm using it as a play on words.

I would like to say a big thank you for taking part in the Scavenger Hunt . I love looking at every ones photographs at the end of each month. I really enjoy seeing every ones different takes on the titles!

OK if anyone has any great ideas for the Scavenger Hunt just let me know and I will incorporate them into the list for next year.

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  1. Great photos, GT! The patterns one was super! And I loved your play on words!

    1. Thanks, it's amazing what you see running down a drain the pattern was so pretty.

  2. Congratulations to your son on his accomplishment, and also for the previous grad photo :) Love the cookie boxes, and the sunset is glorious. ~ all great choices. Thank you once again for hosting this hunt and have a very Merry Christmas and holiday season.

    1. Thanks, Those cookies boxes were so cute, I'm glad you are enjoys the SH each month. Greenthumb.

  3. I just love these posts! You find the coolest subjects for your photos! Your happiness photo is perfect with your son and his friends! And that sunset...pure beauty in that shot!!! And can I please get some of those boxes for Christmas?!?! A very happy weekend to you friend!!!

    1. Thanks, I should have got some of those boxes myself. I didn't even think of it at the time.

  4. Another great set of photos, I love the boxes, sunset, and patterns- but then again all of them are great:) Thanks for hosting- looking forward to doing it gagian next year. I have a few ideas for you- Shall I email them?

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you want to take part next year, if you could email to me that would be great. Greenthumb.

  5. Great photos. I like rain and the cookie boxes. What a beautiful sunset too.

    1. Thanks, we had two weeks of non stop rain. Greenthumb.

  6. Ah! I love a Scavenger Hunt! Will defo do my December part.

    1. Thanks that would be great if you joined in on the scavenger hunt. Greenthumb.

  7. Mmn, loving those blingy bags! Gorgeous photos.

    1. Thanks, Yes they were very pretty, but out of my prise range.

  8. Lovely photos, like your pears/pairs!! Glad to join in again, after a little break!

    1. Thanks, glad you have joined back in,I can't wait to see what you come up with next month. Greenthumb.

  9. Beautiful collection of photos. I especially love the raindrops on the window!

  10. I love scavenger hunt posts, and these are fun. Love those pears, and the water running down the drain is great too!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like the photos, you should join in with the hunt. Greenthumb.

  11. So many interesting photos...and the sunset is especially amazing!!!
    Thanks for posting :)

    1. Thanks, that sunset was amazing and to watch it as we were having dinner was great. Greenthumb

  12. Great photos! Absolute "Happiness" anytime our children are involved! What a handsome young man and friends! Your photos are always unique, especially like patterns and sunset! Loved the pears... and your play on the word! Thanks for hosting... fun as always! Happy December and Merry, Merry Christmas!!! Susan

    1. Thanks, Master M is always happy when he is around his friends. Greenthumb.

  13. Lovely photographs - especially the sunset.

  14. Stunning sunset. I really must try to take part next year - this year has been so crazy, photography has definitely taken a back seat but I have kind of missed that chance to just be a bit reflective and take some time to properly see things around us. Great set of photos. :)

    1. Thanks, that would be great if you joined in it would be great to see your photos. Greenthumb.

  15. I absolutely adore your photos! Great photography!
    I especially love the rain one..
    Much love,
    Tammy x

  16. The sunset is gorgeous, and I also love the rain one!

    1. Thanks, two very different photos. Greenthumb.

  17. OOoh, your sunset is gorgeous and I am itching to get at that water feature! The pears are really funny too!
    Thanks for doing this challenge-it's nice to have finally joined in!x

  18. Thanks, glad you liked them. I'm so glad you have joined us in the scavenge hunt. Grenthumb.

  19. The sparkly bags are gorgeous! Wouldn't mind them myself.

  20. I failed miserably this month having been so busy making things to sell to raise funds for our community library. I love your selection of photos, particulalry the 2nd photo that bread looks so delicious.

  21. I will have to think about joining the scavenger hunt. It looks like so much fun.

  22. You did a great job!!! Have a good weekend :D


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