
Friday, 31 January 2014

Scavenger Hunt (January 2014)

These are my photos for this months Scavenger Hunt If you would like to join in, just leave a link on the Scavenger Hunt  page to your photos collection, on your  Blog. That way we can all see and enjoy them.

J is for?: (Joy) The joy Master M had catching wave after wave.

1pm: Well I had all month to take a photo at 1pm, but I left it to late so as of 1pm
yesterday I was making the school lunch for the next day.

Measurement: Mr P was measuring up for the new blinds he put up on the weekend.

Colour: All for the offering baskets in Bali were so very colourful.

A corner: This cute little shop was perfect as it sat on a very busy corner.

Hat: I saw this hat on the last day in Bali, I love Daisies but I don't know if I would like them all over my hat.

Stamp: I saw this tea towel in the shape of a stamp and new it was going in the scavenger hunt.

Looking Down: Into the amazing rice terrace's in Bali.

Crowd: Traffic on the streets of Bali was always crowed.

Natural: The natural beauty of this tree in the early morning light.

Fruit: Some fruit at a little side street shop, they  had great bananas.

Roof: Two roofs joined.

I would love it if joined in on the Scavenger hunt, it just a bit of fun each month and a good way to keep us inspired to take photos.  

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  1. Great collection of photos. I love the stamp tea towel but the tree for natural has to be my favourite!

  2. Wonderful photos.

    The school lunch looks delicious . . . love the corner shop . . . the reflection of the tree is awesome.

  3. Wonderful photos- love the tree, the terraces and the little corner shop in particular x

  4. Lovely photos ~ and with such a colourful place as Bali in the mix, just amazing! You certainly captured joy in the face and actions of your son. The daisy hat is quite something! I'd be a bit worried I'd be set upon by bees ;) That tree photo is superb. Thanks for hosting this project as we head off through another year.

  5. Wow! Beautiful pics! I love the tree reflected in the water. <3

  6. Amazing photos! Look very professional and inspiring! Have a good day! Christa

  7. Gorgeous photos especially love the one of your son in the sea! He's having a whale of a time x

  8. Wonderful collection of images. I especially like the first one of 'joy'!

  9. Lovely photo's!
    Have a very nice weekend!

    Kisses, Juliëtte

  10. Some wonderful photos - I can't imagine wearing that hat though! juliex

  11. Oh such wonderful photos I think this is such a fun idea. I might give it a go .I'm not a very competent photographer .Hubby bought me a new camera last year and I've not used it much as I'm intimidated and I feel a bit self conscious walking around with it as it is a large professional type.

    I don't know how to approach this .Do you walk with your list in mind and you constantly shoot , or do you think today I need a photo that shows joy and take a shoot of joy.
    Hope this makes sense and thank you in advance

    1. That would be great if you joined in on the Scavenger hunt, I usually have my little point and shoot camera with me at times so if I see something on the list I can take the photo, or when we are going out I take my good camera, I have the list on my phone. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Greenthumb.

  12. I love seeing everyone's interpretation of the photohunt.

  13. So many favourites to choose from! I love the stamp tea towel and the colourful offering bowls but I think my top choice would be the joyful expression on your son's face :)

  14. Such colourful photos and so varied too. I love your choice for Natural.

  15. I love your collection of pictures, I think my favourite is fruit. I need you to make me a packed lunch by the looks of that, my children would be in awe it looks delicious!

  16. Beautiful pictures, again, GT! Loved that tree and its reflection in the water. This SH is so much fun! I'm a little behind, but I hope to get my post up later today!!!!! Have a happy weekend. I think all your Master M photos reflect your joy in him!

  17. Love the picture of joy it is wonderful! Sarah x

  18. lovely photos again, so bright and colourful. It has been so dull here this month, been quite hard to take some good photos, but I suppose we needed the rain?????? haha!

  19. Love the stamp t towel, great fun.

  20. Goodness are your photos so pretty! The shots from Bali are just beyond magical! Love the offering baskets and the corner shop! Oh and your son riding the waves is perfect! Great things happening where you are friend!! Nicole xoxo

  21. Great scavenger photos, it looks like a load of fun finding things to snap.

  22. Beautiful photos, I love the wave one best! Also love the teatowel :o)

  23. These are fantastic photos. I really love the way you captured everyday scenes in Bali, which are different from anything I see in a typical day. Your lunch looks great, so it was worth the wait to photograph "1 PM" when you did. :)

  24. Hello there
    I was saying to Joy the other day that I might try this fun post sometime - I'll aim for the end of this month.
    Thanks for your visit and comment - the row of zygocactus are summering on another fence way out of the sun and fierce heat we are having this year. I'm hoping that after a bit of TLC they will pick up after the winter.
    Take care

  25. Great selection of photos for the hunt. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. xx

  26. Hello! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I love your photos, especially the one of your son in the waves - gorgeous!

  27. Hello from California. I found you through Rosie Dozie's blog. What a great idea, a photo scavenger hunt, I'll be joining you this month and telling my followers about you.

    1. Welcome, and I hope you have fun finding all the photos. Look forward to see your February photos. Greenthumb

  28. Totally loving these photos from a far away land ; loving the hat and the tree !

  29. Looks like a fun hunt! I especially like the tree in am light!

  30. Master M really looks so joyful in that photo!

  31. Thanks for hosting... some great interpretations as always. Love your Bali pics, somewhere I've not been. Crowd and Natural are my faves this month.

  32. Hi, I'm going to give it a go this month. You have some lovely photos.

    1. That's great I can't wait to see your photos. Have fun finding them. Greenthumb.


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