Saturday, 10 September 2011


Masters M was at his first school camp, Mr P was at a trade mining show, so my girlfriend and I headed out for the day. We parked the car at one end of Darling Street Balmain and walked the entire length. We stopped off at all the fun places along the way. We had such a great day, looking in shops the guys wouldn't want to go in. Our plan was to head to Adriano Zumbo's{of Master chef} where we had morning tea at his cafe, then we went in search of his patisserie. Yum. We had such a nice day out, can't wait for the next one.


  1. What a lovely post, glad you had a lovely day.

  2. Looks like you had a fun day! Oh my and pastries too yum! :)
    Do plant sunflowers this coming season they are so cheery as we had towards our autumn season.
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Hugs Rosemary...

  3. Why can't we have so much fun with guys? Why is it fun when it's just us girls?Why must we be so different???

  4. Love the looks of that dessert with the straw :) Looks like a great outing! XOL

  5. Lovely photos. Have a great week. M x

  6. A wonderful array of shops - especially the foodie ones!


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