Friday, 11 November 2011

This Moment

( This Moment )- A Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  1. You know I'm going to arrive on your Friday moments GreenThumb.
    They are precious and your so right. A single photo expresses what's in you heart.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Hugs Rosemary...xx

  2. If only we could capture isolate each special monent in our days, perhaps we'd gain better perspective and more serenity. This photo is one of those moments.

    Wish I could grow mangoes

  3. Such a lovely picture of a special moment. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Have a happy week.
    Helen x

  4. It' a funny thing, you really don't need a day full of perfect moments. One loving one usually is enough. Glad you had yours.


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