Friday, 28 September 2012

This moment

This Moment }- A Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor. and remember. Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  1. Beautiful moment ! I do not know who that little kid is but I love his expressions. And seeing both of them eating cake has made me crave for a piece right now as I am having only tea !
    have a great weekend !

  2. I tried to leave you a comment a couple of days ago on your Lavender fields' post, but it didn't work, I have no idea why it's so difficult to open your blog, maybe too many gadgets on your sidebar?!
    Anyway, have a great weekend!

    1. I'm sorry you are having trouble opening the blog, will have a look when I have some some time.

    2. Don't be sorry, it must be my silly slow work computer's fault...I'm writing you from my home laptop now and it's fine!

  3. Lovely moment to remember!
    Have a nice weekend!!

    Juliëtte xxx

  4. They look very happy! Enjoy your weekend.X


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