
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Scavenger Hunt (October 2014)

These are my photos for this months Scavenger Hunt If you would like to join in, just leave a link on the Scavenger Hunt  page to your photos collection, on your  Blog. That way we can all see and enjoy them. I now have a Scavenger Hunt Button on my home page, that will link back to the Scavenger hunt page, It would be great if you could use the button on your Blogs.

This month has been a crazy month, we have had builders, painters, floor boards and carpets in, I am only keeping up with the tradies, so far. So some of this months photos are from the archives. 

S is for ?
 Sleeping kitty cat.

 We were ripping up the carpet, Master M was a great help.

Car park. 
There was alway so much traffic in Bali the roads were like a car park.


In the Mirror. 
Snapped out of the car window.

In the garden.
A peaceful little spot in the garden, not mine.

The front door to a button shop .

I had my nails done while I was on holidays, they are all broken and chipped now with all the work going on around here. 

In Thailand.

Street sign.
One from Thailand.

These kid were having fun and games at their last swimming carnival.

Out side your window.
This is my view from my kitchen window, at least I have something nice to look at while i'm washing up. 

I would love it if joined in on the Scavenger hunt, it just a bit of fun each month and a good way to keep us inspired to take photos.

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  1. You have definitely been, and still are busy, with all of those renovations taking place! Nonetheless, you have taken time to upload your photos ~ very commendable! Also interesting to have a return trip to Bali, your son seems to be growing leaps and bounds, the view from window is lovely! I have also been enjoying your recipes :) Thanks for October's list ~ :)

  2. Lots of interesting photos, thought our road's gets busy on a Saturday afternoon but not as full as the one in Bali...
    Amanda xx

  3. A great collection of photos!

  4. Lovely photos! I have never had beautiful nails like yours (I bite mine). Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to search for good photo opportunities myself this month. October should be better. Thanks for organising the scavenger hunt.

  5. Nicely done, Jill! I took one look at that sleeping kitty, and my whole body relaxed. Master M is really growing! I'm sure your renovations will be well worth the inconvenience and hard work! Have a happy day!

  6. Lovely kitchen window view! Juliex

  7. That's a lovely view from your kitchen window. If the cat was sleeping out there on the bench it would be even more perfect! I love that huge button doorknob!

  8. Aah, love that sleeping kitty! Love the button door handle too. x

  9. Your nails are fab!! I love your garden picture as well!!! xx

  10. Great photos, especially the garden!

  11. Love that button door handle! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Argh! I covet your kitchen window view! And I don't seem to be the only one. Fun pics all around!

  13. I love the ornaments in your tree, that's really pretty and clever. The button doorknob is so cool! I want one of those.

  14. Oh your garden is so pretty!!! I wish I had a nice view for the washing up! My sink is side-facing to a wooden fence!

    Your nails are beautiful- how long did that take!?!!
    The button doorhandle is so cute! x


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