
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Egg Muffins

I'm always looking for new recipes to cook, I really like ones that are super quick and easy. I made these for a light Sunday night dinner but I think they would be great for a breakfast or brunch also. You can decide what you would like in them the possibilities are endless. I used spring onion in all of them, Feta cheese, Ham and cheese , chorizo and cheese. But you could use choped tomatoes, onions, whatever cheeses you like, coriander, capsicum...
I used 8 eggs and 3Tbsp of milk for a 12 muffin tin.
Preheat oven to 200C 
Grease muffin tin
Add your choice of veg and meat, then pour beaten egg mixture over.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until light and puffy and the eggs are set. 

I have stored the leftovers in zip lock bags in the freezer, ready to whip out and reheat in the microwave for those 5.30am swimming starts. 

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  1. They look so good! I love making things like this. Sometimes I make them and freeze them for my kids' lunchboxes.

  2. Oh, it's a great idea!!! Hugs :))

  3. This looks like a good idea, have some eggs that need using up...
    Amanda xx

  4. They look yummy, just waiting for my chooks to lay some more eggs!! :)

  5. Those look so good and a great way to use up leftovers in the mixture. Sarah x

  6. Thanks so much for this recipe! These look great, and are getting added to my "breakfast for guests" recipe collection. Not that I need to wait for guests to try them! :-)

  7. That looks delicious, I think I have to try it.


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