
Saturday 1 November 2014

Scavenger Hunt (October 2014)

These are my photos for this months Scavenger Hunt If you would like to join in, just leave a link on the Scavenger Hunt  page to your photos collection, on your  Blog. That way we can all see and enjoy them. I now have a Scavenger Hunt Button on my home page, that will link back to the Scavenger hunt page, It would be great if you could use the button on your Blogs.

O is for: Orange

6pm: Taking the dogs for a walk.

Morning: Early morning.

Something you bought: A new lounge well we got two of them.

Light: Fire dancers in Fiji.

Close up: our pussy cats paw.

 Favourite: I can't pick one.

Lunch: Lunch at mum's.

 Master M had a surfing lesson for his 13th birthday, his childhood is going by way to fast for my liking.

Your Sky: Just after we had a massive rain storm.

Colour: One of Master M's photos he did for a school assessment.

Your shoes: My favourite party shoes for summer,

I would love it if joined in on the Scavenger hunt, it just a bit of fun each month and a good way to keep us inspired to take photos.

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  1. Thanks for continuing to host the Hunt - I love taking part. I have some very similar shoes and that orange sky is amazing! My favourite though is the cat's paws - so cute. x

  2. The cat's paws are just adorable. I also quite fancy a pair of your shoes! Thank you for hosting the scavenger hunt, I love this month's prompts. x

  3. A lovely collection and thank you for the new list, it doesn't look too bad, hehe!

  4. Lovely set of photos, your dogs are so cute....
    Amanda xx

  5. I love sky. And I'm jealous if the new sofas!

  6. Love your party shoes friend! And your mom's table in the garden is gorgeous!!! As is that orange sky! And yep...childhood moves way too fast! How wonderful that he is learning to surf! Happy weekend to you and a stunning collection indeed! Nicole xo

  7. Lovely selection! Your orange sky is gorgeous, as are your kitty paws and dogs :) Your son is growing up for sure, and what a great birthday gift and a great photo. Sparkling shoes! Outdoor lunch looks refreshing, and your new lounge(s) so stylish ....

  8. Your orange photo is fantastic!

  9. Thank you so much for hosting this lovely challenge! I'm having a great time!
    Love Your Orange shot and Your pets! :)

  10. I love those blingy shoes. The orange photo is incredible, it almost hurts to look at that sky. I really enjoy these posts.

  11. Look at Master M getting up on a surf board. Wow! That was my favorite shot, but I enjoyed the others as well. Orange is beautiful ~ I so love sunsets! Have a great week, Jill!

  12. Great photos, I love orange and lunch!

  13. Hi! Just found your blog via Home Jules.I've enjoyed looking at all your photos. This Scavenger Hunt is great fun!

    1. HI, i'm glad you enjoyed the photos from the scavenge hunt, if you would like to join in just follow the list on the scavenge hunt page and leave your link at the end of the month. Greenthumb.

  14. Great photos for this scavenger hunt, love your new sofas! I must try and get back into this for November! Suzy x

  15. Great finds, I love your sparkly shoes especially! xx

  16. Lovely selection the cat's paw is my favourite one too. Sarah x

  17. Oh the cat's paw is So cute! The shots of your son always impress me- he is so daring and active! Your shoes are great and I am envious you got to visit Fiji!x


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