Monday, 30 January 2012


Reasons to be grateful. Each month we share photos of things we are grateful for. I would like to capture everyday moments that would otherwise be forgotten: the humour, hope, kindness, joy and love. I hope it's a chance for me to be creative, and a way to express my feelings. Capturing our family's growth. I hope it's a wonderful way to reflect on the beauty around us, and focus on living every moment of every day. If you would like to join please leave a link.


I would love it if you joined me.


  1. Good morning Beanie! So "sweet"!
    Forgive my ignorance but where is Vanatu? Looks like a wonderful place,

    Sarah -x-

  2. Vanuatu is a small pacific country about 3 1/2 hours from Sydney about 1 hour away from Fiji. It is made up of about 80 small islands and has been named the friendlyest country in the world

  3. That's meant to be the friendliest.

  4. Beautiful photos, beautiful people, beautiful times.
    I totally agree that photos capture moments otherwise forgotten and that they make us see the world in detail.
    What do you mean 'leave a link' ?

  5. The photos do capture the moment. Thanks for stopping by at my blog as well.

  6. WOW, it looks amazing! Fab pictures.....

    Lou xxx

  7. I'm just loving your photos and such a pretty Blog! Its nice to pop over. I'm sure you are warmer than what we are!
    Greetings and Love from the UK!
    Thanks for your comments on my Blog! I hope you will stop by again!
    Love Suex

  8. So beautiful - I've never been anywhere near there but would love to go one day. Yes, grateful for very single day with my wonderful family - photographs are such an ideal way to capture the moment! Thank you for sharing at Post Of The Month Club - it it great to have you there :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I always enjoy reading what you have to say.